I'm also participating in the Logitech GTV Contest #GottaGetTwitter
But that is not what brings me here today.
I'm here to do a long overdue update to this thing. So here goes!!!
PAX East was last weekend and it was A TON OF FUN. Seriously - if you like games in any sense it is a must attend show. I met soooo many people, people who are my gaming heroes and people who are making some of the games I'm truly excited for. The sore feet and the lack of proper rest over a 4 day period was worth the experience.
I played Chase the Sun on the Oculus rift, Galak-Z, Ascension - I know, not a vidja game, and tons more. I attended tons of panels on gaming, getting into the industry, making creative projects work, managing these things and how social media is 24/7 thanks to Jake Baldino and his panel and this gave way to new thinking.
Why not?
I know it doesn't make sense yet but here's how I see it -
Often things get in the way and people have immediate issues that need taken care of and yet the thing that drive me to pursue this goal of creating games is the first thing shoved back to the bottom of the list.
So why not other things?
Why replace what one wants to do with some other empty experiences?
Why not do passion first and everything else later?
Why make the motivator the last item I come around to?
Life is full of unique ways to look at things and is equally full of ways to interpret them. Everyday is a game with each person having wildly different objectives. It's just a matter of seeing what it is and showing the world the way I see it.
I'll be putting up as much as i can here for people to see and as much as I can think and type for people to read. Obviously share your thoughts and comments!