Good evening,
This letter is an impromptu one and I have an image in my head as per what this may entail but I'm going to let the words lead me.
On that note lets do this,
I have been a man of many a different focus. I have focused on school while maintaining a full time job. I have focused on relationships where I needed to focus on myself. I've focused on my career when I need to focus on where my future is really going to be.
I find myself a busy man by choice. I think that many people can relate to choosing their prison in that they with only really own up to the parts that they like about it. We like to define ourselves in what we do and what we are passionate about but is it really those things that make us unique?
I find that as I traverse this road that I'm first and foremost a teacher in my worldview. I believe with everything I can give that we all have something to give each other. We may not agree and we may not see eye to eye but that experience really gives way to new ways of thinking and new ways of problem solving.
I'm going to back up here and really give you some perception here(I know clever based upon my blog whatnot). I've recently been though an interesting year in which I've had to re-identify who I am and what I'm about. I changed jobs, I couldn't look away from my past, I had to look at my future and where I want to be. I've recently been listening to "The Urban Monk", by Pedram Shojai, who is apparently the founder of Each chapter was broken up into a problem and how to solve it with a mix of eastern traditional and western tech practices. As someone who wants to be better for myself and those around me I found myself listening to this intently on my ride to and from work. The book is fantastic in getting to look at things in more of a grand scheme of things. I can't express overall how much it seemed to hit many a nail on the head and made me wonder why I don't do more for myself and those around me. I'm not talking about the charity sort but really taking care of yourself so you can contribute to those around you. Finding a baseline is important and more important than we can really see ourselves with.
So in listening to this book I find that I'm not interested in the same old crap that I've been doing. I want to change my life in a better way. I want to be better and create on a fundamental level.
We live in a magical age. We can reach people across the globe and relate in a way that we have never had the opportunity to do before. We can record our ideas and instantly share them with those we love and hate. We can express ourselves with art, language and digital sharing that no other age has had the opportunity to do so. We have so much information that we cannot even begin to sort through it.
I want to be loved and accepted as much as the next person. I want to contribute to those around me and the success that they might find in their lives. I want the best of those around me but barely do the right thing by myself. I've been told that "I'm not selfish enough" - I don't even know what this means. Are you selfish? Do you think you do enough for you?
I have many a motivated goals, I want to be successful where I am, I want to lead people to a better life, I want to own a business, I want to create a community around common interests, I want to invest in myself, I want to be the example that other will strive towards, I want to connect people to solve each others problems, I want to encourage positive and strong growth.
I look at that paragraph and think that everyone must be able to identify with some of those goals. Maybe they identify with all of those goals. Maybe not.
I want to bend like a reed in the wind.
Maybe the greatest of thoughts are those in between, the moments we currently live and the energy we put into them. Now is where all the power I will ever have exists and from instant to instant I can only look forward and backward.
Perhaps the never ending flow is like that, Always looking at what has and what will be.
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