Monday, February 28, 2011

New Semester and way too many games!

So my second semester of math kicked off yesterday and followed up with e-mails to ensure that all my work carried over to my new class and didn't get left behind in the wake of previous semesters ass kicking.  Now I'm all for free time but I find myself surfing the web.  I think it's more like stuck in the web as I find I need to refocus myself to do something other than click from link to link to link to link.  Hell - if there was an experience and progression system tied together with just clicking links and mix a bit of awesome story to why it was happening then we would have an awesome game on our hands. 

So the Dragon Age 2 demo was released last week and that was pure AWESOME. Even if I had no plans on purchasing this game - from a story perspective I believe that Bioware can really bring in a crowd.  The Gameplay has become a lot more responsive and you truly get a sense of exactly how bad-ass your Hawke can be within the first 5 minutes of the demo.  I'm truly excited to mess around with the character progression system and see whats in store for us.  I really hope that how fast you were leveling in the demo stays with actual game release.  I find a ton of fun and enjoyment out of making the character my own and the feeling of getting rewarded for making the choices I make.

This is a bit different as well but i believe everyone who even remotely likes an RPG and owns a DS needs to go find themselves a copy of Radiant Historia.  It pays homage to the class rpg roots and presents it in a neat intriguing little package that screams - "I'm so full of awesome you may need to tell everyone else about me just to feel better"

Next week since I'll be back on track and focused again I'm going to talk about consumer point of view.

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