Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Holy Busy-ness Batman!

I haven't update in over a week and that's due to a number of awesome and not so awesome things.  First off we have Dragon Age 2 which has consumed a HUGE chunk of free time.  Then we have the launch of something truly special the 3DS of which happened this past weekend coupled with over a dozen titles.  Out of the gate Nintendo has already claimed some titles of which I'm sure there will be many more to come as we start to see the bigger games get released.  For those of you who have yet to see it - it begs to be seen to truly be believed. 

I would've purchased this console without the 3d effect as without it we simply have a DS2 or DS360 so to speak.  The 3d effect does a couple of really great things for Nintendo.  For starters it really encourages any user to share with friends and family and making it not only a system but a conversation piece.  I've had many conversations since Sunday with everyone asking me "How does it work?!"  "This is AMAZING".  I haven't met someone who hasn't had a smile on their face the first time they experience it. ^.^

Personally at this point the most exciting part is the future potential that will come of this.  From a game play perspective and from an ability to create a freshness for a series that has never been experience before.  I see it as a great shame if some of the biggest publishers and developers out there don't take advantage of not only this opportunity to really bring back older series but to allow new game ideas flourish using the 3D in new and interesting ways.

Something happens when you finally look away from the 3DS after you sit down and play it for a bit.  You start to wonder why everything isn't in 3D.  What an interesting future we have in store for us.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Somewhere between work, This beast, classwork, homework, and managing my personal life I've been trying to attain some mastery over creating video games.  I'm striving to be a game designer and am really looking at what makes things fun - and to who.  Sometimes I take a stroll through all the indie game on xbox live and stumble across a few gems that are just plain old fun.  It doesn't have to be pretty (ie check something like this), it also doesn't have to be all about violence (ie Something like this) It simply has to be enjoyable and understandable.

Somewhere when we were kids we had some of the best video game memories created by a plumber. with a racoon tail. who ate mushrooms to get bigger. to get to the end of a level.  To get one step closer to saving a princess.  Try to explaining that to this generation of gamers without sounding like a moron.  Of course everyone who even remotely picked up a video game knows who Mario is.  So take a step back and look at what is fun to you. Look at the collection of games you might have.  Ask a friend what they have at home.  While this media is similar to movies - We all like different experiences.  One may love Call of Duty and plays religiously while another may only be playing World of Warcraft.