Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What the hell happened?

It seems like forever ago I wanted to make a regular habit of posting my thoughts here.  However i believe that this is the first time in months that I've sat down and typed something out.  One could be making excuses as per why such a thing didn't happen.  While this didn't happen other things did.

"What things?" I can imagine you asking.  Since I set up this monologue this way the things that did happen was

  • Re-applying for school loans and hammering out the financial details that bore and frustrate me
  • Spending time looking at my current school schedule and pace at which I'll be accomplishing things and it honestly doesn't feel fast enough.
  • Spending a good chunk of time at my new store making sure that awesome stays that way
  • Reading The Omnivores Dilemma.  I don't like being preached to about how i should morally feel about food.  This book will make you take a really hard look at what you eat and where your food really does originate.
  • Doing actual school work - a term paper on Obesity and American Culture (I'll give you a hint - we really don't have one)
  • Going to Conference for a week in all this.  Conference is essentially a great time except for the minimum amount of sleep and lack of actual food.
  • 3D TV event with Sony at my store
  • Sony Training
  • Started and Finished Shadows of the Damned
WHAT?!? I played a video game and finished it?! Since i've started working towards my goal of becoming a form of game designer and programmer I've found myself with increasingly less time to actually play games.  Kinda ironic and kinda moronic.  I can't promise consistency with the blog but i can promise that i will be busy and when i do manage to have time to sit and post - That i will have something to say.

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